The mission of HELP International is to empower people to fight global poverty through sustainable, life-changing development programs. We do this

HELP International hopes to turn relatively inexperienced or mostly academically trained students and young professionals into social entrepreneurs who understand the complexities of poverty and continue in the future to innovatively tackle its endemic problems. Our social entrepreneurs have gone on to affect this same self-realization spirit in enterprise, public office, and the armed forces in myriad spheres of influence.
Essentially then, our brand is to provide unique development capacity that is high impact, short time framed, and sustainable. Alumni continue to network with thousands of the poor around the world helping both 1) those who have the capacity to work to improve their own plight and 2) those who, due to war, physical handicap, or other reasons, are unable to care for themselves. At HELP International, we aim to fight global poverty and empower people. Our sustainable development programs allow the people we serve to become self-sufficient rather than dependent upon others to meet their daily needs. Our unique model allows college-aged volunteers and working young professionals to work with specialized, in-country partners.
Upon completion of our program, HELP participants often demonstrate the lasting effect their experience has had by the work they begin in their communities upon their return home. Our alumni have done everything from starting successful domestic non-profit organizations, (furthering their projects internationally) to starting successful small businesses which sell products produced by community members they once worked with, and to whom they donate profits.We believe these noble goals are possible, and we believe our model is yet another small way we can all give a helping hand to those less fortunate.
Here's how we do it...